Books and Other Publications by A. Breeze Harper

Doing Nutrition Differently:
Critical Approaches to Diet and Dietary Intervention (Ashgate, 2013)
Editors: Allison and Jessica Hayes-Conroy
A. Breeze Harper's Chapter: "Doing veganism differently: racialized trauma and the personal journey towards vegan healing"
Book Description: Offering a collection of critical, interdisciplinary replies and responses to the matter of 'hegemonic nutrition' this book presents contributions from a wide variety of perspectives; nutrition professionals and lay people, academics and activists, adults and youth, indigenous, Chicana/o, Latina/o, Environmentalist, Feminist and more. The critical commentary collectively asks for a different, more attentive, and more holistic practice of nutrition. Most importantly, this volume demonstrates how this 'new' nutrition is actually already being performed in small ways across the American continent. In doing so, the volume empowers diverse knowledges, histories, and practices of nutrition that have been marginalized, re-casts the objectives of dietary intervention, and most broadly, attempts to revolutionize the way that nutrition is done.

The Black Imagination: Science Fiction, Futurism and the Speculative.
Edited by Sandra Jackson Julie E. Moody-Freeman
A. Breeze Harper's Chapter: "The Absence of Meat in Oankali Dietary Philosophy: An Eco-Feminist-Vegan Analysis of Octavia Butler’s Dawn."
Book description: This critical collection covers a broad spectrum of works, both literary and cinematic, and issues from writers, directors, and artists who claim the science fiction, speculative fiction, and Afro-futurist genres. The anthology extends the discursive boundaries of science fiction by examining iconic writers like Octavia Butler, Walter Mosley, and Nalo Hopkinson through the lens of ecofeminist veganism, post-9/11 racial geopolitics, and the effect of the computer database on human voice and agency. Contributors expand what the field characterizes as speculative fiction by examining for the first time the vampire tropes present in Audre Lorde’s poetry, and by tracing her influence on the horror fiction of Jewelle Gomez. The collection moves beyond exploration of literary fiction to study the Afro-futurist representations of Blacks in comic books, in the Star Trek franchise, in African films, and in blockbuster films like Independence Day, I Robot, andI Am Legend.

Cultivating Food Justice: Race, Class, and Sustainability. MIT Press 2011.
Editors: Alison Alkon and Julian Agyeman.
A. Breeze Harper's Chapter: “Phenomenology of Race and Whiteness: Knowing, Feeling, and Experiencing the Vegan ‘Exotic’”
Book Description: Popularized by such best-selling authors as Michael Pollan, Barbara Kingsolver, and Eric Schlosser, a growing food movement urges us to support sustainable agriculture by eating fresh food produced on local family farms. But many low-income neighborhoods and communities of color have been systematically deprived of access to healthy and sustainable food. These communities have been actively prevented from producing their own food and often live in "food deserts" where fast food is more common than fresh food. Cultivating Food Justice describes their efforts to envision and create environmentally sustainable and socially just alternatives to the food system. Bringing together insights from studies of environmental justice, sustainable agriculture, critical race theory, and food studies, Cultivating Food Justice highlights the ways race and class inequalities permeate the food system, from production to distribution to consumption. The studies offered in the book explore a range of important issues, including agricultural and land use policies that systematically disadvantage Native American, African American, Latino/a, and Asian American farmers and farmworkers; access problems in both urban and rural areas; efforts to create sustainable local food systems in low-income communities of color; and future directions for the food justice movement. These diverse accounts of the relationships among food, environmentalism, justice, race, and identity will help guide efforts to achieve a just and sustainable agriculture.
Taking Food Public: Redefining Foodways in a Changing World. Routledge 2011.
Editors: Carole Counihan and Psyche A. Williams-Forson.
A Breeze Harper's Chapter: “‘Post-racial’ Vegan USA? Critical Race and Black Feminist Analysis of Racialized Consciousness in Veganism."
Book Description: The field of food studies has been growing rapidly over the last thirty years and has exploded since the turn of the millennium. Scholars from an array of disciplines have trained fresh theoretical and methodological approaches onto new dimensions of the human relationship to food. This anthology capitalizes on this particular cultural moment to bring to the fore recent scholarship that focuses on innovative ways people are recasting food in public spaces to challenge hegemonic practices and meanings. Organized into five interrelated sections on food production – consumption, performance, Diasporas, and activism – articles aim to provide new perspectives on the changing meanings and uses of food in the twenty-first century.
Sister Species: Women, Social Justice, and Animal Advocacy. University of Illinois Press 2011.
Lisa Kimmerer, editor.
A. Breeze Harper's Chapter: “Connections: Speciesism, Racism, and Whiteness as the Norm.”
Book Description: Sister Species addresses interconnections between speciesism, sexism, racism, and homophobia, clarifying why social justice activists in the twenty-first century must identify and challenge these various intersecting forms of oppression simultaneously.
Through courageous, gripping personal narratives from women who have personally explored links of oppression between human beings and nonhuman animals, Sister Species examines exploitative enterprises such as cockfighting, factory farming, vivisection, and the bushmeat trade. Sister Species demonstrates with painful clarity why every activist must be on board with other social justice concerns.

Cultural Identity and New Communication Technologies: Political, Ethnic and Ideological Implications. IGI Global Communications 2011.
David Wachange (ed.)
A. Breeze Harper's Chapter: “Veganporn & ‘Sistah’: Explorations of Whiteness Through Textual Linguistic Cyber-minstrelsy on the Internet."
Book Description: Cultural Identity and New Communication Technologies: Political, Ethnic and Ideological Implications presents a careful blend of conceptual, theoretical and applied research in NCTs. This book examines content that places new communication technologies in a context that recognizes their seamless co-option into the designs of politics and culture, as well as the ideological hegemony of non-Western societies and interrogates the diagnostic degree to which the use of new communication technologies is demonstrative of the users' imaginary relations to imaginary reality, their thoughts and perceptions. The role NCTs play is significant in so far as they are avenues through which the progression towards the hegemonic (or nationalistic) normative can be catalyzed.