PETA's new racist/sexist 'job opportunity'…This has to be a hoax.
I want to believe that this Craig’s List Ad is a Hoax. I have no words for this. It has to be a hoax, no?
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African American or Mixed-Race Vegan Actor Needed for PETA Video
Date: 2009-11-23, 10:04AM PST Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) will be featuring a video on in mid-January 2010 called the “State of the Union Undress.” This video will feature an attractive woman dressed in business attire proudly and powerfully reciting a speech, which will be approximately five minutes long about PETA’s hard work for animals in 2009 (she will be able to read from a teleprompter during filming). It is meant to be a parody of President Obama’s state of the union address, but instead of being about America’s progress, it will be about PETA’s progress. As the woman reads the script, she will begin removing articles of clothing until she is completely naked. It will be a sexy video with a powerful message. Full frontal nudity will be shown on this video (by the end of the video, the woman will have no bra or underwear on). We’ve done similar videos in the past and have achieved incredible success, including coverage on Fox News and hundreds of online outlets.We have found that people do pay more attention to our racier actions, and we consider the public’s attention to be extremely important. Part of our job is to shake people up and even shock them in order to initiate discussion, debate, questioning of the status quo, and of course, action. The current situation is critical for billions of animals, and because it is our duty to continue drawing attention to the plight of animals abused in the meat, clothing, experimentation, and entertainment industries, we are willing to use all legal means at our disposal in ways that will capture the public’s imagination. Our goal is to make the public think about the issues. Although some consider our projects that include nudity to be controversial, many express support for these tactics.
Requirements for the actor: 1) She must be vegan or vegetarian and supportive of PETA’s work. 2) She must be 18 or older with a valid ID. 3) She must be African American or mixed race. The goal is to have her ethnicity resemble Barack Obama’s as closely as possible. 4) She must be willing to be completely nude on camera and know that the full frontal nudity scenes will be publicized on and possibly reposted on hundreds of other media outlets. 5) She must be capable of a fun, sexy, and easy flowing performance and be excited about the animal rights message. 6) She must be fully aware that we will be pitching this video to many media outlets and be eager to represent PETA. 7) She must be available to film sometime in mid-December in Los Angeles (we will discuss specific dates once an actor is chosen). The filming will be at a private studio where the actor will work with a professional crew of men and women, including a female PETA staffer who will be there to assist her.
To Apply: Please e-mail a photo (preferably both a head shot and a full body shot) to the “reply to” e-mail address above (send as attachment, preferably JPG format). Please include answers to the following questionnaire in the e-mail body:
Name: Age: Race: City in which you currently reside: E-mail address: Phone number: Are you vegetarian or vegan? Do you have any concerns about going completely nude in this video? Do you have your own transportation? Do you have any acting and/or modeling experience? If so, please list highlights. Do you have any other thoughts/comments?
Only submissions with clear photos attached will be considered. If desired, we can also refrain from publishing the actor’s name.
Compensation: The video will receive massive media coverage online and probably on television news outlets as well. Fox News has picked up previous versions of this video. As a nonprofit organization, it’s difficult for us to pay the actor in money, but we can assure her that we’ll do everything we can to pitch and publicize the video to make her as well known as possible. If desired, we can also refrain from publishing the actor’s name.
This is a contract job.
This is at a non-profit organization.
OK for recruiters to contact this job poster.
Please, no phone calls about this job!
Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.
PostingID: 1478953353