Sistah Vegan's Gluten-Free Vegan Fig and Eggplant Pizza
I just made this and here is the recipe:
The recipe is simple. The crust I used is actually tortilla and gluten free. Food for Life brand Brown Rice Flour Tortilla. Oil both sides of your crust with olive oil. Lay flat on a cast-iron pan. Spread some salt-free tomato sauce (I use organic from a can, but I’m sure homemade is best!) and mix in the oregano and garlic lightly on top of the sauce. Then, add:
Two Crimini Mushrooms. I thinly sliced mine.
7 slices of small long Eggplant
1 big fig, thinly sliced
1/2 c of chopped Spinach
Raw Parmasean (you can buy it or make it by adding a walnuts and nutritional yeast to the food processor. Ratio of Walnuts: Nutritional Yeast: is 5:2). Sprinkle on to liking, along with black pepper.
Set Oven to 500 degrees. Bake 8-10 minutes. Watch out for it, as it bakes quickly!