Food, Wellness and the Scars of Racism and Whiteness (Pomona Talk, April 17 2015)

Dr. A. Breeze Harper Speaking at Pomona College’s “Food Week”. (Photo credit Sana Javeria Kadri 2015)
Below is the video of the talk I gave at Pomona College on April 17 2015 for Food Week. I read from my new book Scars: A Black Lesbian Experience in Rural White New England.
I do a reading of the food objects in the book and how they can tell us about racial and class power dynamics in an era of neoliberal whiteness. I also mention our conference I’m putting on that is online and interactive, The Vegan Praxis of Black Lives Matters.

If you want to learn more about neoliberal whiteness, I suggest reading Marc Lombardo’s Economies of Whiteness and Roland Barthes’ essay in Displacing Whiteness.
