Intersections: Black female slave vivisection, non-human animal experimentation, and the foundation
Update: Before watching the video about “Intersections: Black female slave vivisection, non-human animal experimentation, and the foundation of Western gynecology” I just wanted to say that if my work has benefited you, or you have enjoyed watching my critical race scholarship and/or health advice over the past few years, I’m wondering if you can return a favor. My fellowship to pursue critical race and critical vegan studies at the doctoral level was not renewed for 2011-2012, through University of California, Davis. I would like to finish my PhD and need some help. I know the goal may seem overwhelming, but I have about a combined support network/friends/followers of 1000 people (through Facebook, blog subscribers, and Twitter followers). If you could spare $10 to $25 a piece, then this goal could be met I think.
Paypal email donation: breezeharper (at) gmail (dot) com or go to the right side top of the screen and click on donation link.
UPDATE: As of June 10, 2011:
Donated: $2220
Needed for completion of goal: $7,780
Deadline: September 2011 (so I Can register for 2011-2012 academic year)
In this video, I speak of how Black female slaves were forced to undergo ‘vivisection’ by Dr. Marion Sims, the ‘father’ of Western gynecology. I also speak of how this fits into colonizing both ‘the other’ (Non-white peoples and nature) and how vivisection on non-human animals today is connected to the interlocking system of oppression and suffering that allowed Dr. Sims to repeatedly cut into black female slave’s vagina’s (without anesthesia, remorse, or regret).
The next video is me talking about how you can help me finish my goal of completing my PhD.
Books for further explorations on these intersections: