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Meaning of future black woman as vegan, reproduction of self

Update: Before watching the video about “Meaning of future black woman as vegan, reproduction of self” I just wanted to say that if my work has benefited you, or you have enjoyed watching my critical race scholarship and/or health advice over the past few years, I’m wondering if you can return a favor.

My fellowship to pursue critical race and critical vegan studies at the doctoral level was not renewed for 2011-2012, through University of California, Davis. I would like to finish my PhD and need some help. I know the goal may seem overwhelming, but I have about a combined support network/friends/followers of 1000 people (through Facebook, blog subscribers, and Twitter followers). If you could spare $10 to $25 a piece, then this goal could be met I think.

Paypal email donation: breezeharper (at) gmail (dot) com or go to the right side top of the screen and click on donation link.

UPDATE: As of June 13, 2011:

Donated: $2700

Needed for completion of goal: $7,300

Deadline: September 2011 (so I Can register for 2011-2012 academic year)

In this video I talk about a new publication of mine in the book “Black Imagination” and how I utilize a critical feminist vegan analysis of the heroine Lilith in Octavia Butler’s Dawn.

Chapter Title:

Click on link to see more information and/or to order

“The Absence of Meat in Oankali Dietary Philosophy: An Eco-Feminist-Vegan Analysis of Octavia Butler’s Dawn” by Breeze Harper in The Black Imagination: Science Fiction, Futurism and the Speculative edited by Sandra Jackson and Julie E. Moody-Freeman (Peter Lang, 2011).

In this video I am asking for your help. My fellowship to pursue critical race and critical vegan studies at the doctoral level was not renewed for 2011-2012, through University of California, Davis. I would like to finish my PhD and need some help.

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